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I Came, I Ate, I Conquered Austin

With only a little over 48 hours to spend in Austin, it was going to be " fast and the furious" eating with Hilary Sheinbaum (Must Love Ice Cream)! Our mission was to eat, drink and and have as much fun in Austin as we could! So as soon as we dropped our bags off, the marathon began! Our first stop was Gourdoughs for their insane Donut creations! Even their salad came with a side of savory donut! One brunch stop, meant we had to get Hilary's Ice Cream fix in, so we spent the rest of the afternoon hopping from Ice Cream, to Ice Cream shop before ending up at Nightcap for drinks and dinner!

A visit to Austin wouldn't be complete without a trip to "Dirty 6th" which is where you can find all the UT kids drinking every night! Too many shots later, and it was time to end day 1!

The next morning we started at Cafe No Se and then it was time to search for more Ice Cream! On the way we were able to stop into the Caiptal Building, Texas History Museum, and the University of Texas campus! We needed a little afternoon pick me up, and went to Freedmens which serves one of the most epic bloody marys known to man! On top of their already incredible bloody sits a whole sausage, rib, and massive, perfectly cooked peice of brisket! Its an entire BBQ piled high on top of the bloody! After more Ice Cream we took in some nature before ending up at Bangers for dinner!

With only a few hours left to spare the next morning before our flight we checked out Sa-Ten which specializes in "Japanese Toasts" and then we made one more stop for.... you guessed it, more Ice Cream!

Cant wait to be back Austin!

Here is where we hit up!



Cafe No Se

Hey! You Gonna Eat or What?


Sweet Ritual


East Side Pies


Amys Ice Cream

The Science Cream



Random Taco Cart on 6th


Tipping Cow Creamery

**Thank you to Texas Tourism for the trip!



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